5G MAKO 4×4 MiMo LTE Antenna 5G/4G/3G/2G optional WiFi and GPS

Product Code:


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The MAKO 5G Dome is a range of high-performance 4×4 MiMoantennas covering 617-960/1710-6000MHz with optional GPS/GNSS and optional 2×2, 3×3 or 4×4 or 6×6 MiMo/Diversity at 2.4/5.0GHz.


  • Designed for latest generation LTE Cat 18/20 routers and devices
  • Low profile antenna with up to 11 functions in 1
  • 4×4 MiMo 4G/5G LTE cellular, Optional GPS/GNSS & optional WiFi MiMo 2.4/7.2GHz in one housing
  • Kits Include 5M extension Cable for each element ordered

The MAKO 5G Dome consists of up to 11 elements; four isolated high-performance antenna elements covering 617-960/1710-6000MHz offer MiMo/Diversity at cellular/LTE frequencies, up to 6 optional dual band elements covering 2.4 & 7.2GHz support MiMo/Diversity operation for WiFi and optional high-performance GPS/GNSS antenna with an integrated 26dB gain LNA and high-quality filtering offers un-paralleled positioning accuracy. None of the antennas in this range require a metallic ground plane, and all maintain a high level of performance even when mounted on non-metallic surfaces

Although the LTE elements are designed for 4×4 MiMo operation, it is possible to utilise these as 2 pairs of 2×2 MiMo for a router that has 2 SIMS (radio) in a failover configuration (i.e. only one SIM active at any time). As this configuration is using only 2 out of the 4 antennas for a single SIM, the network coverage should be checked to ensure that this use is suitable.Guidance on correct connection of the LTE antennas is provided in the installation instructions. Please Note: This antenna is not intended for use with a router that has 2 SIMS to provide concurrent or aggregated data operation, as there is not sufficient isolation between the MiMo pairs.

Product Variants / Options

Part Number Description LTE WIFI GPS
WSLP-IN2443-B LP-IN2443 is a high performance 4×4 MiMo LTE (B or W) 4 N/A N/A
WSLG-IN2444-B LG-IN2444 is a high 5 in 1 performance 4×4 MiMo LTE and GPS/GNSS antenna covering 617-960/1710-6000MHz (B or W) 4 N/A 1
WSLG-IN2445-B LG-IN2445 is a high 7 in 1 performance 4×4 MiMo LTE, 2×2 MiMo Dual Band WiFi and GPS/GNSS (B or W) 4 2 1
WSLG-IN2446-B LG-IN2446 is a high 9 in 1 performance 4×4 MiMo LTE, 4×4 MiMo Dual Band WiFi and GPS/GNSS (B or W) 4 4 1
WSLG-IN2447-B LG-IN2446 is a high 11 in 1 performance 4×4 MiMo LTE, 6×6 MiMo Dual Band WiFi and GPS/GNSS (B or W) 4 6 1

Unique Selling Points

Low Profile 4×4 4G/5G MiMo
Up to 6 x 6 MiMo Dual Band WiFi
Optional GPS/GNSS Active Antenna 26dB LNA
Ground Plane Indepenent
Single mounting hole/bolt

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